Sin-Wei Wan

Project Manager

Sin-Wei Wan

Project Manager

M.S., Department of Environmental Engineering and Science (including Master’s Program), Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Taiwan

B.S., Department of Environmental Resources Management, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Taiwan


Soil/Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Remediation

Government’s Events Planning, Preparing and Carrying out

Improve construction method planning and on-site improvement system operation adjustment 


Soil Pollution Assessment and Investigation Personnel-EPA

Occupational Safety and Health Affair Manager(Class A )-CHSM


Project Manager, Pro. Vision Environmental Engineering (PVEEC) Co., Taiwan (2021.10-present)

Engineer, Pro. Vision Environmental Engineering (PVEEC) Co., Taiwan (2015-2021.09)

Engineer, SUN-HOME Engineering Corporation, Taiwan (2013-2015)